Interactive Maps of Air Quality Regulation Ecosystem Service Across U.S.

This website contains county-level information on air quality regulation ecosystem service demand generated by emissions of criteria air pollutants from various sources and air quality regulation ecosystem service supply provided by vegetation (canopy, grasslands and shrublands). Demand for ecosystem service is calculated from the total emissions from point and non-point sources across all counties. The capacity of ecosystem service is based on the potential of vegetation (canopy, grasslands and shrublands) to sequester pollutants. Supply for both current vegetation cover and potential vegetation cover, based on the conversion of grasslands and shrublands to county-average canopy cover is shown in the maps.

County-level Density Maps

County-level demand density is calculated as the total county-level emissions of a pollutant divided by the land area of each county. Supply density maps is calculated by the total supply of ecosystem service divided by land area of each county.

County-level Sequestration Maps

Sequestration of pollutants in each county is calculated as the product of pollutant flux per unit vegetation cover and the area of vegetation cover in each county.

Sustainability Index (Vi) Maps

Sustainability Index is calculated as the net ecosystem service supply as supply of ecosystem service minus the demand, divided by the ecosystem service demand.

County-level Land Cover Maps

Cost Effectiveness of Vegetation vs Technological Options to Mitigate Emissions

This map shows the counties where cost effectiveness of conversion of grasslands and shrublands to county-average canopy cover is lower than cost of installing control equipment for the equivalent ecosystem service supply provided by trees in each county.